
This website is a labour of love. It brings to life my passion for art, cityscapes and psychogeography.

The Walking Adelaide journey started many decades ago and has been informed by three key life events.

Firstly, in the late 1970’s I was employed as a tram conductor, an experience that saw me develop a deep and profound relationship with my urban surroundings. I watched scores of migrant workers come and go, explored undiscovered metropolitan areas, and was captivated by the interpersonal connection of people and places. 

A decade on, I pursued a more intellectual interpretation of my passion, starting a Masters on Romanticism, Industrial Modernity and Photography. It was here that I first came across Walter Benjamin and the flâneurtradition – the quintessential urban spectator or ‘stroller’, also described as an amateur detective and investigator of the city, whose meandering path is one of experiencing and observing modern urban life whilst being in a crowd.

And finally in my latter years, from 2003 to 2014, I immersed myself the world of psychogeography by actively nurturing my love of walking, photography and urban landscapes. Aptly named ‘poodle walks’ (as I owned two standard poodles), I drifted throughout the city in the early morning and late afternoon, observing the light and darkness of the city and the distinct emotional resonance that characterised the different parts of metropolitan Adelaide.

From these daily poodle walks emerged a body of work that I have continued to build upon. I hope the images in this website captivate and move you…

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